Monday, October 24, 2011

Scientists Preparing for Opening of Parallel Universes!?!

Physicists working on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), are hoping next year to get the first proof of the existence of such concepts as "parallel worlds" and "extra dimension", which has long been mentioned only in the works.

Scientists are increasingly talking about the birth of “new physics”, which can completely change the current understanding of the universe and the principles of its devices. Scientists are now working with Collider are preparing for the opening of parallel universes “Parallel Universes, unknown forms of matter, extra dimensions...This is not stuff of cheap science fiction, but very specific physical theory, which scientists are trying to confirm with the LHC and other experiments,” – said in the October report of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN ).

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New Google Maps Let You Return Home NO Matter Where You Are AT!?!

This is Pegman, your guide through streets. They could have gave him a smile though, why must everything be expressionless? I bet we can put a smile on his face.

Google has a great thing going with maps, sometimes it loads very slowly but that is alright. Their new addition of Pegman is pretty amazing. On their maps pages now you see a little yellow man on the zoom bar which you can drag to a street location. Once you drop him on a spot you can see a 360 degree view at street level. The New Google maps street view and pegman let you return home no matter where you are.

Photographers Need Background Checks!

Certain things a photographer should always keep in mind while taking pictures so they do not end up with weird happenings in the back drop. Always be aware of surroundings when focusing, don't forget where you are.

A good photographer can become so focused on a subject in the foreground and can be completely oblivious to events unfolding in the backdrop. On a good day, a photographer can blow through 500 to 1,000 image captures. It isn’t until they begin the screening process that they start to realize the timeless moments they have seized for all time. Here are 10 reasons why background checks are so important to photographers.

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Injuries Caused by Having Sex!?!

Just when you thought it was safe to have a romp in the hay at home, a new study shows that last year more than 18 million were injured during the act in Britain alone. Everything from sprained necks to broken knees was reported by medical researcher’s data.

Approximately one third of Britons have received a variety of physical damage during and after a romp in the hay, according to new research. According to this research over 18 million people injured themselves during passion, and 40% broke one of the household interior decorations during intimacy. Below is a list of Funny facts that name the 9 most common injuries at home during intimacy.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Viagra Cactus

Strange things happen when a hiker spills a bottle of Viagra in the desert. Lone desert cactus stands tall in search of a pollen partner. This rather unique plant is growing much differently than normal. Two of usual upward point trunks seem to be reaching out like arms while a 4th and truly bizarre trunk seems to be pointing towards the sky like a Johnson standing at attention.

6yr Old Dies from Falling Icicle, Grandmother Dies of a Heart Attackz!?!

The Tragic loss of little Ivan Zavialov who was just 6 years old at the time he was struck in the head by a falling icicle and killed. Hopefully this will serve as a reminder to all of just how dangerous ice can be.

A huge block of ice weighing 20 kg fell on a child from a height of 15 meters in the center of St. Petersburg. 6-year-old resident of St. Petersburg, Ivan Zavialov was the victim of negligence of public services for not clearing the roof of an apartment house of ice. A giant icicle flow broke away from the canopy of the building and came crashing down, hitting the kid’s head. The falling icicle claims life of 6-year old boy and grieving grandmother collapses with heart attack.

Lady Tries to Literally Start Fire in Boyfriend's Ass!?!

26 year old gets a little carried away during the holidays and apparently trying encourage her boyfriend to hurry up or get a move on she literally pokes a piece of wood in his butt and lights in on fire. This of course was after she beat the crap out of him. Oh – to be a fly on the wall during that would have been marvelous.

In a difficult case to sort out the, Kama policemen, in the village of Half, 26-year old Letňany, a lady during Christmas holidays severely beat her boyfriend. But that it was not enough, and aggressively shoved in his ass a piece of birch bark, and then tried to set fire to it. One may remember the phrase “light a fire under their ass” yet this lady took it literally and attempted to in fact ignite it right in the Glutious Maximus. The Furious, lady was trying to start a fire in boyfriend’s ass faces 8 years in jail.