26 year old gets a little carried away during the holidays and apparently trying encourage her boyfriend to hurry up or get a move on she literally pokes a piece of wood in his butt and lights in on fire. This of course was after she beat the crap out of him. Oh – to be a fly on the wall during that would have been marvelous.
In a difficult case to sort out the, Kama policemen, in the village of Half, 26-year old Letňany, a lady during Christmas holidays severely beat her boyfriend. But that it was not enough, and aggressively shoved in his ass a piece of birch bark, and then tried to set fire to it. One may remember the phrase “light a fire under their ass” yet this lady took it literally and attempted to in fact ignite it right in the Glutious Maximus. The Furious, lady was trying to start a fire in boyfriend’s ass faces 8 years in jail.
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