Saturday, October 22, 2011

Burgular's Sniff Ashes that they Thought was Coke?!?

The ashes were taken from a woman’s home in the central Florida town of Silver Springs Shores in December the thieves took an urn containing the ashes of her father and another container with the ashes of her two Great Danes, along with electronic equipment and jewelry, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office said. Stupid Burglars sniff deceased’s ashes thinking it was a stash of coke.

Police officers were not as nice as the big bust biker cop when they caught up with teenaged delinquents that snatched urns during a recent break in. The morons thought they had found the mother load and quickly sampled the powder. Much to their surprise they had just inhaled the remains of a man and his 2 dogs. I love poetic justice!