Monday, October 24, 2011

Scientists Preparing for Opening of Parallel Universes!?!

Physicists working on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), are hoping next year to get the first proof of the existence of such concepts as "parallel worlds" and "extra dimension", which has long been mentioned only in the works.

Scientists are increasingly talking about the birth of “new physics”, which can completely change the current understanding of the universe and the principles of its devices. Scientists are now working with Collider are preparing for the opening of parallel universes “Parallel Universes, unknown forms of matter, extra dimensions...This is not stuff of cheap science fiction, but very specific physical theory, which scientists are trying to confirm with the LHC and other experiments,” – said in the October report of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN ).

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New Google Maps Let You Return Home NO Matter Where You Are AT!?!

This is Pegman, your guide through streets. They could have gave him a smile though, why must everything be expressionless? I bet we can put a smile on his face.

Google has a great thing going with maps, sometimes it loads very slowly but that is alright. Their new addition of Pegman is pretty amazing. On their maps pages now you see a little yellow man on the zoom bar which you can drag to a street location. Once you drop him on a spot you can see a 360 degree view at street level. The New Google maps street view and pegman let you return home no matter where you are.

Photographers Need Background Checks!

Certain things a photographer should always keep in mind while taking pictures so they do not end up with weird happenings in the back drop. Always be aware of surroundings when focusing, don't forget where you are.

A good photographer can become so focused on a subject in the foreground and can be completely oblivious to events unfolding in the backdrop. On a good day, a photographer can blow through 500 to 1,000 image captures. It isn’t until they begin the screening process that they start to realize the timeless moments they have seized for all time. Here are 10 reasons why background checks are so important to photographers.

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Injuries Caused by Having Sex!?!

Just when you thought it was safe to have a romp in the hay at home, a new study shows that last year more than 18 million were injured during the act in Britain alone. Everything from sprained necks to broken knees was reported by medical researcher’s data.

Approximately one third of Britons have received a variety of physical damage during and after a romp in the hay, according to new research. According to this research over 18 million people injured themselves during passion, and 40% broke one of the household interior decorations during intimacy. Below is a list of Funny facts that name the 9 most common injuries at home during intimacy.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Viagra Cactus

Strange things happen when a hiker spills a bottle of Viagra in the desert. Lone desert cactus stands tall in search of a pollen partner. This rather unique plant is growing much differently than normal. Two of usual upward point trunks seem to be reaching out like arms while a 4th and truly bizarre trunk seems to be pointing towards the sky like a Johnson standing at attention.

6yr Old Dies from Falling Icicle, Grandmother Dies of a Heart Attackz!?!

The Tragic loss of little Ivan Zavialov who was just 6 years old at the time he was struck in the head by a falling icicle and killed. Hopefully this will serve as a reminder to all of just how dangerous ice can be.

A huge block of ice weighing 20 kg fell on a child from a height of 15 meters in the center of St. Petersburg. 6-year-old resident of St. Petersburg, Ivan Zavialov was the victim of negligence of public services for not clearing the roof of an apartment house of ice. A giant icicle flow broke away from the canopy of the building and came crashing down, hitting the kid’s head. The falling icicle claims life of 6-year old boy and grieving grandmother collapses with heart attack.

Lady Tries to Literally Start Fire in Boyfriend's Ass!?!

26 year old gets a little carried away during the holidays and apparently trying encourage her boyfriend to hurry up or get a move on she literally pokes a piece of wood in his butt and lights in on fire. This of course was after she beat the crap out of him. Oh – to be a fly on the wall during that would have been marvelous.

In a difficult case to sort out the, Kama policemen, in the village of Half, 26-year old Letňany, a lady during Christmas holidays severely beat her boyfriend. But that it was not enough, and aggressively shoved in his ass a piece of birch bark, and then tried to set fire to it. One may remember the phrase “light a fire under their ass” yet this lady took it literally and attempted to in fact ignite it right in the Glutious Maximus. The Furious, lady was trying to start a fire in boyfriend’s ass faces 8 years in jail.

Burgular's Sniff Ashes that they Thought was Coke?!?

The ashes were taken from a woman’s home in the central Florida town of Silver Springs Shores in December the thieves took an urn containing the ashes of her father and another container with the ashes of her two Great Danes, along with electronic equipment and jewelry, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office said. Stupid Burglars sniff deceased’s ashes thinking it was a stash of coke.

Police officers were not as nice as the big bust biker cop when they caught up with teenaged delinquents that snatched urns during a recent break in. The morons thought they had found the mother load and quickly sampled the powder. Much to their surprise they had just inhaled the remains of a man and his 2 dogs. I love poetic justice!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hawaii Astronomer Captures Image of Forming Planet!

Astronomers have captured the first direct image of a planet being born.

Adam Kraus, of the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy, said the planet is being formed out of dust and gas circling a 2-milion-year-old star about 450 light years from Earth.

The planet itself, based on scientific models of how planets form, is estimated to have started taking shape about 50,000 to 100,000 years ago.

Called LkCa 15 b, it's the youngest planet ever observed. The previous record holder was about five times older.

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Girl Shows Butt Checks to Judge

Senettes shorts slid down allowing her underwear to show in the court room and judge was not impressed. Girl gets 10 days in jail for dressing in a manner unfitting of a court room. She tried to explain that upon entering the court she was asked by security to remove her belt to no avail.

She tried to explain that upon entering the court she was asked by security to remove her belt to no avail. 23-year resident of New Orleans was sentenced to ten days in jail for coming to court in shorts, out of which stuck her underwear, according to Orange News citing newspaper The Times-Picayune. I guess showing her cheeks in an attempt to sway the judge failed and earned her jail time.

Physician Sucked Female Patient's Nipple for Medical Problem!?!

Some kids decide very early what they want to be when they grow up and take the correct steps to get there and realize their dreams.

The medical physician claims that he sucked the patient’s nipple in order to diagnose a medical problem, in line with an old midwives’ technique.

Teacher Gets 6mos for X-rated Content!?!

I slipped and was falling thats why I grabbed her breasts. They were firm and quite easy to grip onto. I got this black eye and broken nose from another inmate.

Is that a Science or Math related problem? No. In LONDON, Ontario Canada – Greg Stewart went from admired teacher and 1993 winner of the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence for 30 years of service, to inmate in light speed. Your homework today is related to sex and teachers sentences tomorrow is 6 months.

What Would Mr. Bean's Daughter Look Like?!?

Mr. Bean was always making funny facial expressions when he would be doing most any task. Here we find a female tennis player who seems to have followed Bean’s look while trying to hit the ball. Rowan Atkinson demonstrating any physical form of sports in the character of Bean included many funny faces to compensate as dialog to express him.

Obama's New Pimped Out Cadillac!

Obama’s Cadillac has an executive package featuring a foldaway desktop, laptop computer with wi-fi, state of the art satellite phone and a direct line to the vice president and the Pentagon. Defense accessories include night vision cameras and weapon. Also bottles of the president’s blood are kept on board in case he needs and emergency transfusion.

Flying Cola Bottle Cap Hospitalizes Woman!?!

Plastic packaging erupts in the hands of a woman 52-year-old Yanina Dubzhakovska from the Polish town of Lubin forever remember this trip to the store. In the evening, after work, she decided to look into the supermarket to replenish supplies of butter, bread and sausage. In addition, she bought 2-liter bottle of Coke. Going out with a grid of shopping on the street, she suddenly heard a strange hissing sound. Is it possible to be hospitalized over a flying cola bottle cap?

As 52-year-old Yanina Dubzhakovska discovered a soda bottle rocket is a type of grocery rocket using carbonated water as its reaction mass and stupidity. The pressure vessel the engine of the rocket is usually a used plastic soft drink bottle. The pressurized water is forced out by a pressurized gas, typically compressed CO2. It is an example of Newton's third law of motion. The term "pop cap jet" has been used in parts of Europe in place of the more common "bottle cap rocket" and in some places they are also referred to as "bottle rockets" (which can be confusing as this term refers to a firework in other places).

World's Smallest Mother!

Maria breast, half pints, feeding her newborn daughter Veronica and appears that she will make an outstanding mother. Onlookers can not help but wonder if those tiny milk pots can produce a sufficient amount of nutritious milk for baby, seeing as the infant is nearly 60% the size of mom makes her one of the world’s smallest mothers!

Professional Career or Exotic Dancing??

Can you guess my profession based on my picture? Did you know According to a research done in the University of Leeds in 2010, many exotic dancers and lap dancers nowadays who are earning money from dancing had college degrees and have worked as teachers, nurses, journalist and other careers which are considered to be professional? According to this study, one in every four lap dancers has a college degree and has decided to become dancers instead of doing their profession because it pays better.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chinese Man Cut in Half, Walks Again!

He survived against all the odds; now Peng Shulin has astounded doctors by learning to walk again.
When his body was cut in two by a lorry in 1995, it was little short of a medical miracle that he lived.

Peng Shulin, wearing new trainers, works on learning to walk again!

It took a team of more than 20 doctors to save his life.

Skin was grafted from his head to seal his torso – but the legless Mr Peng was left only 78cm (2ft 6in) tall.

Bedridden for years, doctors in China had little hope that he would ever be able to live anything like a normal life agan.

The bionic legs mimic the way Peng's limbs would have worked!

But recently, he began exercising his arms, building up the strength to carry out everyday chores such as washing his face and brushing his teeth.

Doctors at the China Rehabilitation Research Centre in Beijing found out about Mr Peng's plight late last year and devised a plan to get him up walking again.

They came up with an ingenious way to allow him to walk on his own, creating a sophisticated egg cup-like casing to hold his body with two bionic legs attached to it.

He has been taking his first steps around the centre with the aid of his specially adapted legs and a resized walking frame.

Mr Peng, who has to learn how to walk again, is said to be delighted with the device.

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Cyclops Shark?!?

In this world of Photoshop and online scams, it pays to have a hearty dose of skepticism at reports of something strange — including an albino fetal shark with one eye smack in the middle of its nose like a Cyclops.

But the Cyclops shark, sliced from the belly of a pregnant mama dusky shark caught by a commercial fisherman in the Gulf of California earlier this summer, is by all reports the real thing. Shark researchers have examined the preserved creature and found that its single eye is made of functional optical tissue, they said last week. It's unlikely, however, that the malformed creature would have survived outside the womb.

"This is extremely rare," shark expert Felipe Galvan Magana of Mexico's Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias del Mar told the Pisces Fleet Sportfishing blog in July. "As far as I know, less than 50 examples of an abnormality like this have been recorded."

Pisces Fleet, a sportfishing company, rocketed the Cyclops shark to viral status online this summer with their photos of the creepy-cute creature. But this isn't the first time that reports of a mythical-seeming creature have spurred media sensations — last week alone, Russian officials announced "proof" of a Yeti, and paleontologists spun a theory about an ancient Kraken-like squid. Few reports of mythical beasts, however, come with proof.

Cyclops shark

The Cyclops shark is an exception. While rare, "cyclopia" is a real developmental anomaly in which only one eye develops. Human fetuses are sometimes affected, as in a 1982 case in Israel reported in 1985 in the British Journal of Ophthalmology. In that case, a baby girl was born seven weeks early with no nose and only one eye in the center of her face. The infant, who lived only 30 minutes after birth, also had severe brain abnormalities.

In 2006, a kitten born with one eye and no nose (a rare condition called holoprosencephaly), created a stir online as news organizations and bloggers tried to determine if the bizarre photos of the animal were real. A veterinarian confirmed the kitten's condition; "Cy," as the cat was known, lived only a day. The remains were sold to the creationist Lost World Museum.

The fisherman who discovered the Cyclops shark is reportedly hanging on to the preserved remains, news outlets reported. But scientists have recently examined and X-rayed the fish, authenticating the catch. According to Seth Romans, a spokesman for Pisces Fleet, Galvan Magana and his colleagues will publish a scientific paper about the find within the next several weeks.

Romans told LiveScience that the fisherman who caught the strange shark is "amazed and fascinated" by the attention his catch has drawn.

It's not the first strange shark fetus Galvan Magana has found; he and his colleagues discovered two-headed shark embryos in two different female blue sharks. It's possible that one embryo started to split into twins, but failed to completely separate because of crowding in the womb, the researchers reported in January 2011 in the journal Marine Biodiversity Records!

Half A Head People!

A forklift driver Steve Gator at Farnham Road Harold Hill was attacked by two teenage thugs. As a result, he was punched so hard that his head swelled and his brain suffered an irrepairable damage. This unlucky man then was taken to the hospital, where doctors had no choice except for removing his half of his brain and skull. After the difficult surgery, he unluckily lost almost everything from his personality to motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgment, impulse control as well as social and love-making behaviors!

His mother, Nina Gator, said that he had got half-a-head and completely lost his confidence!

Parts of his brain were damaged so heavily that they had to be removed!

After a serious accident of falling from 25ft when working at a work site without safety conditions in Feb. 2008, Alan Hind suffered from massive head injuries including extensive skull fractures, a badly broken jaw, a severed optic nerve that left him blind in one eye and irreparable brain damage. He also suffered kidney damage and was left deaf in one ear.

It was his weird physical feature of having no forehead that helped police to recognize him!

Miami police had to deal with many difficulties when they arrested a man for allegedly soliciting prostitution not because of his uncooperativeness but his identification issue. He provided different names as well as other personal details and submitted to fingerprinting and a mugshot.
Doctors guessed that he might suffer a serious accident that damage his brain so much!

An eight-year-old Hou Guozhu living Dongying of Sandong Province, China is famous all over the world as the boy with half a head. Back to the time, he was a half of healthy twins and born just three minutes later than his brother. The birth defect didn’t appear until Guozhu was three years old when his left-side limbs developed habitual muscle spasms. This boy then was diagnosed by doctors at the Beijing Sanbo Brain Institute, where he was known to get Rasmussen’s encephalitis. Therefore, he had to undergo four major skull-opening surgeries nearly removing his convulsive symptoms.

He only had the right-hand side of his skull while his right cerebral hemisphere was removed!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Scientific Experiments Address Rewritten Memories

Scientists are struggling with the mysteries of the brain, but every year they become more and more familiar and closer to unlocking the ability to control and even format the human brain!

Royal Condom's as Souvenir???

Crown your lucky Charms with a Royal Condom of Distinction that was produced in special celebration packs that bear the slogan: "Like a royal wedding, interaction with a loved one is an unforgettable occasion". These wonderful forms of royal protection are a triumvirate of regal prophylactics, which are lavishly lubed and regally ribbed. Undoubtedly the quality is such as made for a Duke but fit for a King or perhaps I have mistaken that for sizing, King sized down to Baron sized.

33 Asteroids & 20 Comets Aimed for Earth?!?

Did you know there are 33 thousand asteroids and 20 new comets are aimed at Earth?

Comet viewed through The telescope that ran out of coolant to keep its electronics chilled in October 2010, but the NEOWISE mission was able to move forward using the two of its four detectors that are not affected by warmer temperatures.

Dubhe a star tied the Big Dipper?!?

Astronomers have spotted a new type of stripped-down white dwarf star with a pulsating carbon surface. The new and so far unique white dwarf was predicted to exist somewhere in the cosmos, but was found only because of some massive surveys of the sky.

Has the Bermuda Mystery been Solved?!?

Many ships, air planes and people have vanished over and in the mysterious triangle area between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. Still to this day all remain unexplained and many unfound. This map shows the area involved in losses over the past century!